Education and Child Matters


I am a Litigant In Person

The UK's Free Resource For Doing It Yourself

Forum and Help guides dedicated to the litigant in person in Education & Child Matters

Litigant In Person - A person who represents themselves in court without solicitors and barristers

London, United Kingdom

You've Come to The Right Place

Stay Equipped. Connect With Others. Take A Breath.

Welcome to I AM L.I.P (education and child matters), the sister website of I AM L.I.P (divorce).

Are you struggling with child proceedings in the family court, your child’s education or other child matters? We are standing by your side. I AM L.I.P is a free community forum, website, and an informative space for those of you who have nowhere to turn.

Founded by a team including Anjali Mya Chadha who watched her sister struggle as a litigant in person through a traumatic custody battle of four children during a five year divorce and then continue the struggle of raising them as a single parent. 

No legal aid? Want to save money sorting out child proceedings and many other child matters? 

Our FREE help guides are complete breakdowns to the legal child arrangements system, and the family courts. They also provide knowledge & information on many other child matters including safeguarding and education all in one place. Everything you will need is here. Whether it be intimidating legal forms, courts, and judges, to confusing jargon, to basic understanding, answers will be found.

I AM L.I.P is a budding platform, the first to offer a free A to Z dissection of child matters, a forum to share experiences, and L.I.P Wellbeing – a lifestyle space sharing litigants’ expertise on wellness, family, food, and rest.

This website has been created and written by a team consisting of litigants in person and graduates of Law, Science, English and more.


Filling in forms, their numbers, and where to find them

Court forms, statements, and bundles you will need to produce for the court.


Appeals, Complaints, Realities & Trauma Of Child Proceedings, Knowing Your Rights and GDPR

How to appeal, complain, knowing the truth about the family court and the legal process, your rights and your GDPR.


Legal aid, solicitors, barristers, litigation loans & bullying by proxy in child proceedings

All your questions on legal aid answered. How to choose and deal with a barrister/solicitor. Should you take out a litigation loan and knowing what bullying by proxy in court is.


Legislation Governing Child Proceedings & Cases You Can Refer To

Legislation and acts passed by government you may need during child proceedings.

Our Free L.I.P Templates

We at I AM L.I.P have produced a number of FREE downloadable templates for you to fill out at your leisure. Many of these can be difficult to get a hold of, with no support online to help you figure what these forms are and how to fill them out. As a result, we have a created our own to help you out, all available in one place. Check out more at our divorce site


Helping You Help Your Child

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Fighting For Litigant’s Rights

Memoirs of a McKenzie Friend

Exposing your harrowing experiences in the family court


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I am a Litigant In Person

USA – Divorce


I am a Litigant In Person

UK – Immigration, Emigration & Passports