Education and Child Matters


I am a Litigant In Person



Welcome to I AM L.I.P (education and child matters).


My name is Anjali Mya Chadha.

I am a friend of those who find themselves facing child proceedings in the family court as a litigant in person (a litigant in person is a person who is involved in court proceedings and is NOT represented by a solicitor or barrister). 

With the help of the I AM L.I.P team, we created this website, forum and help guides (education and child matters), the sister website of I AM L.I.P (divorce).

I also created of the explosive podcast ‘Memoirs of a McKenzie Friend’ and the eye opening YouTube video diary, ‘Share of the Reward’.


I got here through watching my sister’s harrowing experience as a litigant in person at the hands of the British legal system and every associated organisation to do with the family court. 

Her experience pushed us to write this website and become a staunch advocates for family law reform.



This website has been written for you. Hand-holding my sister who was a litigant in person during a traumatic and fierce custody battle of four children, I saw how daunted, lost and confused she felt by the whole legal process. She could not see a way out other than spending lots and lots of money on solicitors and barristers, something she couldn’t do. Our team designed this website as I would have wanted it for her during her years as a litigant in person – simple, uncomplicated, to the point and thorough. All the basic information and guidance she needed in one place to give her a grounding of the child proceedings world she was entering into and to help her navigate it. 

During her child custody battle, my sister often felt alone and lonely. The information contained in our L.I.P Help Guides will stop you feeling alone. The L.I.P forum will put you in touch with other L.I.P’s and stop you feeling lonely. 

After the child custody battle, as single parent of four young children, my sister lacked knowledge on so many issues from education to safeguarding to child discipline. I felt she needed information on hand, all in one place, so that she didn’t have to spend her time hunting through website after website on the internet. Our team have done this for you here.

BOX 2 – FIGHTING FOR LITIGANTS’ RIGHTS (a litigant is a person involved in court proceedings):

Wanting to sort out family and child matters through the courts is not a crime. Litigants attending the family court are not criminals. They are there sorting out family matters, often heart wrenching and distressing family matters. When this is the case, why was my sister made to feel as if she was being punished every time she attended court. She always came back uncared for, miserable, traumatised, misunderstood, confused and full of regret.  

Our British family courts live in the medieval ages. So much change is required and these changes need to happen NOW. From making basic human facilities such as food and drink available to litigants especially if you have an all day hearing to creche facilities to capping legal fees – a complete overall of the family courts is needed. 

BOX 3 – PODCAST: ‘MEMOIRS OF A McKENZIE FRIEND’ (a McKenzie friend is a person who supports a litigant in person in court):

‘Memoirs of a McKenzie Friend’ exposes the dirty industry known as the family court and what happens to real life litigants in person.

This explosive podcast highlights to the world what is happening in the family courts today and what they are getting away with. How else do we even stand a chance at cleaning up this dirty industry called the family court.


‘Share of the Reward’ is my video diary on YouTube laying bare the harrowing events of my sisters divorce. With 18 court hearings (3 of which the court adjourned and forgot to inform my sister so she still turned up), 5 magistrates, 13 judges, 40 plus court orders, an astronomical legal bill, illegal recordings of child hearings, confidentiality violations, and an attempt to take out a quarter of a million pound loan on my mothers home only to discover all was not as it seemed. This story is a shocking eye opener if there ever was one!

‘Share of the Reward’ is dedicated to all of you who walked into the family court looking for help and closure but instead woke up lost in a nightmare you wish you had never started.


Our Purpose

Who this website is for and how it can help you.


Fighting For Litigants' Rights

Changes needed in the family courts for the benefit of litigants

(A litigant is a person involved in court proceedings).


Podcast - Memoirs Of A McKenzie Friend

Our podcast exposes the dirty industry known as the family court and what happens to real life litigants in person.

(A McKenzie friend is a person who supports a litigant in person in court. A litigant in person is a person involved in court proceedings and is not represented by a solicitor or barrister)


YouTube Video Diary - Share Of The Reward

The shocking eye-opening story of the divorce behind the inspiration for I AM L.I.P.