Education and Child Matters


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Safeguarding Of Teenagers


The safeguarding worries parents face tends to escalate as their children get older and become more independent. In today’s world teenage children are exposed to many more dangers than most parents did when they were younger.  

This Help Guide will go over 5 dangers your teenage children could encounter and each one will explain how you can safeguard and help your child.

BOX 1 Date rape and sexual assault on a date – Here we will go over what is date rape, what is sexual assault on a date, age of consent, preventative measures you can take, and who you and your child can contact for help.

BOX 2 Abusive relationships – This guide will inform you exactly what is an abusive relationship, what you can do to help your child, Clare’s law, and who you and your child can contact for help.

BOX 3 Spiking drinks, injecting and giving a drug – This webpage will explain what does it mean to spike a drink, inject a drug into someone or give someone the wrong drug and why. We will explain date rape drugs, what you can do to help your child, what preventative measures you can take, and who you and your child can contact for help.  

BOX 4 Legal permissions, duties and responsibilities given to a child according to age – Here we will highlight to you what the law will allow a child to do as they grow through the various stages of childhood and adolescence even though the law still considers them a child.

BOX 5 – Child radicalisation – This guide will go over radicalisation in schools, what is the schools duty to safeguard children from radicalisation, the signs your child could be radicalised, preventing radicalisation, prevent duty, the channel programme, and who you and you child can contact for help. 

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