Education and Child Matters


I am a Litigant In Person

Arresting A Child, Stop & Search, ASBO and Complaining About The Police


In this Help Guide, we will give you an understanding of your child’s rights if and when they are arrested and if they are stopped and searched. We will also go over what an ASBO is and how you can complain about the police if you feel they have not dealt with your child as they should have according to guidelines. 

BOX 1 Arresting a child – Here we will explain from what age onwards the police can arrest a child, what happens to a child at a police station, the role of the youth offending team, the crime prevention programme, community sentence, custodial sentence, and what is custodial remand.

BOX 2 Stop and search – In this webpage we will go over what a stop and search is, what are reasonable grounds, what happens during a police stop and search, and warrants.

BOX 3 ASBO – This guide will outline what an ASBO is, what is anti-social behaviour, can someone appeal against an ASBO, what is a civil injunction, a community protection notice and a criminal behaviour order.

BOX 4 Complaining about the police – Here we will explain what about the police you can complain about, how long after the incident you can make a complaint, how to complain about the police, who you can contact for help, what happens once you have submitted a complaint and what is a review. 

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