Education and Child Matters

Form A61

Form used to apply for a parental responsibility court order prior to adopting a child abroad.



Form A61 is used to make an application for a parental responsibility court order prior to adopting a child abroad.

Form A61 is not used when you are adopting a child who is habitually resident outside of the UK and you intend to take them abroad for adoption.

A child who is habitually resident outside of the UK means that the child’s main day to day life and school life are in another country.


The government have published a guide called A61NOTES to help you complete form A61.


Please read our webpages for domestic and intercountry child adoption for complete background information regarding adoption




There is a fee to submit form A61 to the court. 

Please click on the link below to government guide EX50 page 18 for adoption fees.


  • Please attach a cheque or postal order made payable to HM Courts & Tribunal Service.
  • If you are on certain benefits or on a low income, you can apply to the court to have your fees paid for you. The form you need is called form EX160. You can complete and submit the form online or download a hardcopy from the government website. You will need to attach proof of your benefits, your income, and/or 3 months bank statements. The government website also has the EX160A guidance notes which you can download and read to help you complete form EX160. You can send the completed form EX160 with all attachments along with your completed form A61 for the court to consider. Or you could have sent your completed form EX160 to the court in advance and received a ‘help with fees’ reference number starting with HWF to forward to the court.

LINK TO OUR L.I.P HELP GUIDE FOR FORM EX160 (Here, you can access both form EX160 & EX160A guidance notes) 


Please make sure you have the following government guidance notes open in front of you when you complete this form. Please click the link below. 


  • NOTE 1 – If you are completing and sending form A61 into the court then you are known as the petitioner or applicant. Everyone else who needs to be notified is known as the respondent. These are individuals with parental responsibility and anyone involved or affected by this application including the local authority. 
  • NOTE 2 – You can complete form A61 online, then print a hard copy and sign and date it. Alternatively you can download it, print it and then complete it by black pen.
  • NOTE 3 – If you find there is not enough space to complete your answers on your form A61 then please use additional sheets of paper to continue and attach them to your form. Please write your name, address, and question number on the top of your additional sheets of paper. 
  • NOTE 4 – Please send at least 3-4 copies of form A61 any evidence and any other forms to the court. The court will distribute the copies accordingly. One copy is required for the court, one for your local authority and one for each party in the proceedings and Cafcass. The number of copies depend upon what you are attaching to your form A61. Please read page 1 and page 11 of A61NOTES.
  • NOTE 5 – Please keep a copy of your form A61 and any attachments for yourself outside of the ones you send to the family court.
  • NOTE 6 – Before you start to complete your form A61 please read page 1 and page 11 of A61NOTES about the paperwork you may need to attach to your form A61. 
  • Form A61 is 11 pages long.
  • In the middle of page 1 you are asked to write your name (and your partners name if they intend to adopt and are asking for parental responsibility) on the first two lines after I/We the undersigned. On the third line after intend to adopt please write the full name (first name first then the surname last) of the child you intend to adopt. The name of the child must be the same as it appears on:
    •  The birth certificate of the child (if issued by the UK)
    •  The entry in the adopted children register if the child has been adopted previously (if issued by the UK). 
    • Please attach a copy of any of the above that applies to your case.
  • Part 1 on page 1 will ask you details about you (the first applicant) and the same details about your partner if they are also adopting (the second applicant). The details that are being asked are:
    • (a) Title. 
    • (b) First name and surname. If your name is not the same one as on your marriage certificate or birth certificate and you have changed your name by deed poll then please explain this on a separate piece of paper and attach a copy of the deed poll. 
    • (c) Address, 
    • (d) Contact telephone number, 
    • (e) Date of birth, 
    • (f) Nationality. 
    • (g) Occupation. When it comes to writing your occupation you must write the full title of your occupation such as self-employed plumber, retired school teacher, doctor or school headmaster. If you write ‘retired’ or ‘self-employed’ or ‘part-time owner’ by itself this will not be accepted. If you also write ‘worker’ or ‘employee’ this will not be accepted. A company name will also not be accepted. You must write your occupation. If you are a member of the HM forces you must give your rank and profession. If you are unemployed or unable to work because of a disability you must write your last profession. 
    • (h) Gender, 
    • (i) Relationship to the child. If you do not have any relationship with the child you must write ‘none’.
    • (j) You will now be asked to give your solicitor details if you have one. 
    • You will then be asked if you (or your partner the second applicant if applicable) are domiciled in the UK or either of you are habitually resident in the UK for at least a year before this application.
      • Habitually resident in the UK means – This is where yours and/or your ex-partners life is based, you work and your children go to school in the UK. You are settled and your main family life is in the UK. 
      • Domiciled means – This is where your permanent home is where you live or intend to come back to.
    • If you are applying for a parental responsibility order prior to adoption abroad as a couple you will now be asked to go straight to part 2 on page 3. If you are by yourself you must continue and complete the next few questions (l – r)
    • (l) If you are the partner of the child’s mother or father then please tick the box. If you have ticked a box then please continue to part 2 on page 3.
    • (m) If you are the partner (not spouse or civil partner) of a person who is not the child’s parent then tick this box. Then explain the the large box why you are applying for a parental responsibility order prior to adoption alone. Please continue on a separate sheet if you need more space. Please write down your details on the top of the sheet and attach it to your application form. If you tick this section you can go straight to part 2 on page 3.
    • (n) Here you will be asked to tick the box if you are not married or have a civil partner.
    • (o) Here you will be asked to tick the box if you are divorced or your civil partnership has been dissolved.
    • (p) You will be asked to tick the the box if you are a widow, widower or a surviving civil partner. 
    • (q) will ask you to tick box q if you are married or have a civil partner (you must attach your marriage certificate or equivalent) and you can prove
      • Your spouse cannot be found
      • You have separated from your spouse or civil partner, you both are living apart and your separation is or will be permanent (you must attach your separation order).
      • Your spouse/partner lacks capacity to make this application or is physically incapable of making this application (you must attach evidence).
    • (r) will ask you to tick box r is you are applying alone for a parental responsibility order prior to adoption abroad for your own child and you can prove to the court that
      • The other natural parent has passed away (you must attach a death certificate).
      • The other natural parent cannot be found (if you can you must attach evidence)
      • There is no other parent (please read this in detail on the actual form)
      • The other natural parents’ exclusion from this application is reasonable. If this is the case you must give your reasons in the box provided and attach any evidence
  • Part 2 on page 4 will ask about the child who you intend to adopt
    • Question a will ask if the boy is a girl or a boy 
    • Question b will ask for the date of birth of the child. You will be required to attach a birth certificate. If you do not know the date of birth then you must give an estimated date of birth and place and country of birth 
    • Question c will ask about the child’s nationality.
    • Question d will ask you to confirm that the child has never been married or has a civil partner.
    • Question e will ask since when has the child lived continuously with you.
    • Question f will ask if the child was placed with you by an adoption agency. If you tick the ‘yes’ box then please complete g and h and j. If you tick the ‘no’ box then please complete i.
    • Question g will ask the date the child was placed with you for adoption and for the details of the adoption agency.
    • Question h will ask whether another adoption agency was involved or not.
    • Question i will ask if you have notified your local authority about your intention to apply for a parental responsibility order prior to adoption abroad. You will be required to provide their details.
    • Question j will ask whether there is a placement or freezing order for the child and if there is you are asked to give details. 
    • Question k will ask if a local authority or voluntary organisation has parental responsibility for the child. If they do, you will be asked to give details in the boxes provided.
    • Question l will ask you about any maintenance order/agreement that has been agreed with the child support agency. If it has, you will be required to give details in the boxes provided. You must also attach a copy of the order or paperwork if you have them. 
    • Question m will ask you to give details of any other orders or proceedings (past and present) in the UK and abroad that affect the child. If there are, you will be asked to write the details in the boxes provided. You must also attach a copy of the order.
    • Question n will ask you about any court cases in the UK or abroad you know about that concern a child (sibling or step sibling) related to the child you are adopting. If there are, you must provide the details in the boxes provided. You must also attach a copy of the order if you have one.
  •  Part 3 on page 7 will ask about the child’s parents or guardian. If the child has been previously adopted then you must write these adoptive parents details down.
    • Question a will ask for the mothers first and last name.
    • Question b will ask for the mothers address. If she has passed away then you must write ‘deceased’.
    • Question c will ask you for the mothers nationality
    • Question d will ask about the second parent/the father or other parent. You will then be asked for their first and last name.
    • Question e will ask for their address. If they have passed away you must write deceased in the box.
    • Question f will ask for their nationality. 
    • Question g asks if the father or other parent have parental responsibility for the child.
    • Question h will ask for the first and last name of the child’s guardian if there is one. If not please write ‘not applicable’
    • Question i will ask for the guardians address.
    • You will next be asked whether the child’s parent or guardian have consented to an adoption order being made. You do not have to complete the next question j if the statements in the box apply to you. Please read them. 
    • Question j will ask you to tick one of three boxes if the statements in the box above apply to you.
      • The child’s parents have consented to the parental responsibility order prior to adoption.
      • The child has been placed with you by an agency with the consent of the parents, mothers consent given when child was 6 weeks old, no one is opposing the parental responsibility order prior to adoption.
      • The following parents and guardian has not consented to the parental responsibility order. Please give their details and you are asking the court to dispense with this consent because they cannot be found, they lack capacity or the welfare of the child requires it. Please tick the relevant box. You must write a statement of facts detailing the history of the case and send 2 copies to the court so the court can determine whether the consent can be dispensed with. Please attach the statement to your application. If you would like your contact details kept confidential please do not write them on this statement as these statements will be sent to the parents or guardian. 
  • Part 4 of page 9 will ask you to write the full name of the child in the boxes provided how you would like it written on the court order. This is the name that will be entered into the adopted children’s register. 
  • You will next be asked to attach health reports for yourself and the child to this form. Please write the dates these reports were done. The date must not be more than 3 months before the adoption application. You will need to send 2 copies to the court. You do not need to attach any medical reports if the child was placed with you for adoption by an adoption agency, or he/she is your child, or the child of the other applicant, or you are applying alone as the partner (including the spouse or civil partner) of the child’s mother or father or other parent.
  • You will next be asked to sign a declaration that you have not received money for this adoption. You will also be asked whether the organisation or person named in part 2 are the only ones that have taken part in the adoption.
  • Part 5 on page 9 will ask you to sign a statement of truth.
  • On page 10 you will next be asked if you or your partner need any special arrangements because of a disability.
  • You will then be asked if you or your partner need an interpreter and if so for which language. 
  • You will next be asked if there are any dates you cannot attend court. Also if you have any preferred dates. 
  • Page 11 details a full list of every attachment you may need to send along with your completed form A61. Please go through the list and make sure you attach the ones that are applicable to your case. 
  • You must send 3 copies of your form and all attachments to your local family court. The court will keep one copy, send you a stamped copy and send the other one to any other individual who needs to be informed of the adoption such as the local authority. If there are more individuals involved in the case you must send more copies so the court can send them one. As stated above please read page 11 of A61NOTES which will give you an indication of exactly how many copies to send. 


Please click on the link below to download form A61 from the government website. Please complete and send by post (signed for recorded delivery).



Form A61 was first published by the government (HM Courts & Tribunals Service) on 01-11-2011