Education and Child Matters


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Help Guide 18


Definitions of Education & Child Matters words and terms

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There are currently 41 terms in this directory beginning with the letter A.

A Levels
A-Level is short for advanced levels. A-Levels are usually a 2 year course studied in years 12 and 13 at sixth form or at a college. A-Levels consist of 2, 3 or 4 subjects. The exams are taken at the end of year 13. A-Levels are graded E – A*. A-Levels are assessed through exams at the end of year 13. Some courses have coursework which form part of the end mark but the majority of A-levels have end exams. Choosing which A-Levels to study is important if you would like to eventually go into a particular field of employment. If you want to become a doctor, you will need to study a medicine course at university after your A-Levels. The A-Levels recommended are chemistry, biology and maths/physics.

This is when a child under 16 years of age is removed from a parent or legal guardian without the permission or the parent or court.

Abortion is a medical procedure with the sole aim of ending a pregnancy. Another name for abortion is termination.

Abusive Relationships
An abusive relationship is when one individual/partner carry’s out behaviours to get control and power over the other partner. The abuse can encompass the following behaviours and many more: Physical abuse Emotional abuse Sexual abuse Coercive control Intimidation Isolation Causing mental distress

Academic Reference
This reference is given by a tutor, academic adviser, or teacher. It will probably confirm your education details and speak about your academic achievements.

Academy School
An academy is a state school. It is not controlled or funded by the local authority. It is funded by the government (the department of education) and local sponsors such as businesses and faith groups. An academy has a lot of independence and can make changes (are flexible) to school hours, term dates and can follow a different curriculum. An academy or free school is operated by a non profit academy trust. A city academy is operated in the inner cities. These schools are for all children no matter what the ability of the child. An academy or free school can be set up by teachers, parents, businesses, a charity, a university, an independent school, and/or a faith group. Academies are inspected by Ofsted.

This is another word for 'contact'. This is usually used in relation to a child.

Acknowledgement of Service
This is the form used to reply to the court that an individual (the respondent) has received a copy of the divorce application and associated paperwork submitted by their ex-partner (the applicant).

When a court hearing is postponed to a later date and time.

This is the transfer to all legal rights to a child under 16 years of age from one set of parents (often the birth parents) to the adoptive parents.

Adoption Order
An adoption order is where the court grants a couple or an individual parental responsibility for a child. The child will become part of their family and a new adoption certificate will be issued to replace the original birth certificate. The birth parents, or the individual(s) with parental responsibility will lose this responsibility once the adoption order has been granted.

A person who will help, guide and support you through a court case. Depending upon who they are and their legal training if they have any, they MAY be able to represent you in court where they can put forward your case on your behalf. An advocate can help you stand up for your rights. A lawyer and barrister can be referred to as an advocate.

Advocate With Regards To A Looked After Child
The main aim of an advocate is to empower a looked after child, uphold their human rights and make them feel they are being listened to. A child advocate is someone who offers the following to a looked after child: Offers support to a child enabling them to express their feelings and wishes Gives advice to a child. Explains their rights to the child Aims to protect and champion the child’s rights. Represents the child at local authority child services meetings and reviews. Represents the child at school meetings Talks to the child’s social worker explaining the child’s issue(s) and negotiates with them for the best interest of the child. Puts forward the child’s views and feelings. Speaks on the child’s behalf. Gives a child a voice Makes sure the child understands what has happened and what is happening to them.

A written statement that has been sworn to be the whole truth by the individual who has written it. The written statement has a signed sworn statement of truth added to it. This statement is sworn with a solicitor present or an authorised court officer.

The term used to promise that you will tell the truth. An affidavit signed and dated by you is an example where you affirm that you will tell the truth. An affidavit is a written statement that has been sworn to be the whole truth by the individual who has written it. The written statement has a signed sworn statement of truth added to it. This statement can be sworn with a solicitor present or an authorised court officer.

Alienating Behaviours
Alienating behaviours is described in the Cafcass website as “circumstances where there is an ongoing pattern of negative attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of one parent (or carer) that have the potential or expressed intent to undermine or obstruct the child’s relationship with the other parent.”

Amah is a nurse maid or nanny in India or East Asia.

This is the term used when one party introduces evidence at a hearing that has not previously been disclosed or mentioned in a witness or position statement. This could be a new accusation or evidence.

Ancient University
An ancient university in the UK is one of 7 universities established centuries ago. They are the original UK universities founded between the 12th and 16th centuries. Oxford University was the first university in the UK. It was founded between 1096 and 1167. Cambridge University founded in 1209. St Andrews University founded in 1413 Glasgow University founded in 1451 Aberdeen University founded 1495 Edinburgh University founded in 1582 Dublin University founded in 1592

Ancillary Relief
A old legal term used for the process of dividing marital assets, finances and pensions during a divorce. Ancillary relief is also known as financial remedy or financial settlement.

Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder and a serious mental health condition fuelled by the need to lose weight and keep it as low as possible. The individual concerned has the distorted belief they are fat despite the fact they are obviously not.

An answer is the reply filed in court by a respondent in response to accusations made in a divorce application.

Anti-Social Behaviour
Anti-social behaviour is the behaviour of an individual that causes distress, harm, harassment to others of different households.

Anton Pillar Order
An Anton Pillar Order in family proceedings is also referred to as a search order. The court can order the search of the private premises of an individual for the inspection and seizure relevant papers, evidence, documents and things. This order is only made in exceptional circumstances.

To apply to reverse, overturn, amend, vary a court decision(s) that you disagree with.

An appellant is the person who completes and submits an appeal form to the court to set aside or vary an existing court order. You can request a new hearing, a stay on the existing court order or a stay on case proceedings while the appeal is being dealt with. There are strict time limits in which to lodge an appeal with the court.

The spouse who submits an application form to the family court to start divorce, child arrangements or financial settlement proceedings.

Application Tracker System
Some employers use an application tracker system (ATS) where if you are completing their application form online you can complete parts of the form, save it and return to complete the rest of the form later.

An apprenticeship combines work with study and gives a student ‘on the job’ learning and training. The student is paid during the training.

Arbitration is a formal process of sorting out your divorce without court intervention and hearings. An arbitrator is a neutral third party who acts like a private judge and will listen to both parties before making their decision(s). This decision(s) is called an award.

This is the amount of money that is due/outstanding for child maintenance and should have been paid earlier.

Arresting A Child
A child between the ages of 10 years and 18 years can be arrested, charged with a crime and taken to court. The police cannot arrest or charge a child under the age of 10 years.

AS Levels
AS-Levels are studied in year 12 in the sixth form of a school or at a college. They are the first part (first year) of your A-Level. AS-Levels do not count as part of your A-Level grade anymore

An ASBO is short for anti-social behaviour order that can last for a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of life. It is a civil sanction issued by the court. It is not a criminal offence to have an ASBO. The purpose of an ASBO is to prevent a certain type of behaviour which may cause harm and distress to others. An ASBO can be granted by the court under the crime and disorder act 1998. A child of 10 years of age can be issued with an ASBO. The court can include directions and restrictions in the ASBO such as during certain times an individual cannot enter a particular area.

Assessed Curriculum
An assessed curriculum is where there is an emphasis on different types of testing techniques to assess students’ learning.

Assign is used to refer to the transfer of a marital asset from one partner to another.

Assigned Gender Identity
An assigned gender identity is the gender one is born with and usually refers to a child’s external anatomy. The assigned gender can be male or female. Other words for assigned gender are biological sex, birth sex, and natal sex.

Assisted Conception
Assisted conception is when the process of forming an embryo is done with medical help. One such method is called IVF. IVF is short for in vitro fertilisation. It is the process where a man’s sperm fertilises a woman’s egg in a laboratory to make an embryo then this embryo is placed into a woman’s uterus so that the embryo implants and a pregnancy can start.

Au Pair
An au pair is an individual from a foreign country where they live with the host family and take care of their children in return for living facilities, food and pay. An au pair is integrated into the host family’s life.

Authorised Absence
Authorised absence is when the school has agreed and given permission for a child in compulsory education not to attend school for that day or a limited number of days.

A word which originates when Europeans hired an Indian nanny to look after their child whilst living in India.