Education and Child Matters


I am a Litigant In Person

Help Guide 18


Definitions of Education & Child Matters words and terms

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There are currently 33 terms in this directory beginning with the letter D.

Dark Web
The dark web exists and is part of the internet. It is a collection of internet sites that cannot be accessed or seen by normal search engines like google and internet explorer. The dark web is full of criminal activity and should be avoided at all costs despite the fact some say that there are parts of it that do not have criminal activity. Other names for dark web are darknet.

Data Protection Impact Statement
A data protection impact assessment (DPIA) is carried out by an education establishment when they are administering and implementing new software, new operating systems, and payment plans where there is a risk and danger of data leak or mismanagement. The DPO of the school must advise and help with the assessment.

Data Protection Officer
Under article 37 (1) GDPR all education establishments including schools must appoint a data protection officer. This role is an independent monitoring and advisory role. A DPO officer can be an internal member of staff as long as there is no conflict of interest however an individual who is not part of the school is preferred. Usually a data protection officer is an individual who is the DPO of many schools in the area (the schools share one officer). This officer advises the schools about their GDPR compliance. The DPO reports directly to the head or deputy head of the school, they must have experience, understanding and knowledge of UK and European GDPR.

Data Subject Access Request
A data subject access request (DSAR) is a request from an individual who would like to view what information an organisation/company/school holds about them. The data protection officer (DPO) will handle these requests and make sure the whole process complies with regulation.

Date Rape
Date rape is the intentional penetration of a vagina, anus or mouth by a penis that takes place during or after a date where one party has not given consent. This is different from assault by penetration which is the penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth with another object other than a penis without consent.

Deemed Service
This is the term used when a court declares that an individual has been served (they have received) a copy of an application form and relevant court documents whether they have or not.

This term can be used to describe the act when a person fails to reply to court papers. A default divorce is an uncontested divorce where only one party is involved because the other party cannot be reached.

A degree is usually studied at a university. It is a higher education qualification. The different types of degrees

Delayed Puberty
Occasionally a child can start the process of puberty later than usual. For a boy this could be that there is no testicular activity by the age of 14 years. For a girl they may not have developed breasts by the age of 13 years or not started menstruating by the age of 15 years.

Depleted Parent Syndrome
Depleted parent syndrome happens over a period of time where a parent starts to become overwhelmed physically, mentally, and emotionally with the demands on them as their resources (sleep, time, family) to help them day to day decrease at the same time. This parent finds it difficult to cope with the expectations around them. Other names for depleted parent syndrome are parental burnout and parental exhaustion. The environment created by a parent suffering from depleted parent syndrome can be toxic to the children in the family.

A person who makes a statement, affidavit or deposition under oath is called a deponent. This usually happens in a deposition.

A deposition is a meeting conducted outside of the courtroom often in a solicitors office. Here information is gathered by both parties so that the case can move forward. This information can be used in future court hearings. A court recorder can be present to record what happens at this deposition meeting. A deposition can also be called a pre-trial. All statements and information is given under oath.

Designed Teacher
Under section 20 of the childrens and young persons act 2008 the governing body of maintained schools should allocate a member of staff (referred to as the designated teacher) who be responsible for the educational and academic achievement of a looked after child enrolled at the school.

Direct Access Barrister
This is the process of hiring a barrister directly yourself rather than through a solicitor to represent you in your court case.

Direct Contact
Direct contact means that a parent can see their child in person. Direct contact can be supervised or unsupervised depending upon what the court has ordered.

An instruction given by a judge/magistrate which must be acted upon and obeyed.

Directions Hearing
A directions hearing is a hearing where a judge will consider all applications and the facts of the case and give directions for both parties to follow so as to move the case forward.

Directions Order
This is a court order stating what both parties must do before the next hearing so as to progress the court case further. Very often a date and time is given by which to do these things.

Disabled Child
A disabled child has a physical or mental disability that prevents them from carrying out day to day activities such as being mobile, getting dressed and bathing. However, the disability could also be sensory such as a visual or hearing impairment or mental such as autism.

An expense occurred in preparation and during a court case outside of legal fees that a solicitor will pay on your behalf. Examples of disbursements are expert report fees.

Discipline - Child
Discipline is the process of gaining and maintaining control of a situation and enforcing order and obedience. Discipline is the process that helps your child learn the difference between good and bad behaviour.

To provide all details that are required to go forward with court proceedings. These details can be provided voluntarily or enforced through a court order.

Discrimination is the unjust and unfair intolerance, prejudice, bias, distinction, favouritism, and bigotry with regards to an individual’s protected characteristic. Under article 14 of the European convention on human rights, discrimination is a human rights violation.

The term used to end a civil partnership. It is similar to the word divorce which is the term used to end a marriage.

District Judge
A district judge is a full time judge who presides over family court cases in the county court. They can hear both financial settlement and child arrangement cases.

DIY Child Arrangements
A do-it-yourself child arrangements is where you or your ex-partner will make all the decisions regarding child arrangements, complete all the court forms and handle all court communication and hearings by yourselves.

Domestic Violence
This is a term which encompasses the violence, threats, and abuse inflicted upon a partner or family member to control, scare and frighten them.

This is the location of your permanent home where you live or intend to come back to. There are 5 types of domicile you can have in the UK. Domicile of origin - This is acquired through birth and is the country that your parents (mainly your father) were domiciled in when you were born. If your father was not married to your mother or is deceased at your birth then you will acquire the domicile of your mother. Your country of domicile can be different from your country of birth. Domicile of dependency - A child under the age of 18 years will acquire the domicile of their parent or legal guardian when they move and change their domicile. Domicile of choice - This is the country that an individual over 18 years choses to be domiciled in by living and settling in that country permanently. Deemed Domicile - If an individual has been a resident in the UK for 15 of the last 20years then they are deemed a UK domicile for tax purposes. Elected Domicile - For inheritance tax purposes a non-domicile individual who is legally married to a UK domicile individual can elect to be treated as a UK domicile. This was introduced in 06-04-2013.

Domicile of Choice
This is the location which you intend to make a permanent home to live or come back to.

Domicile of Origin
This is the location which a new born child has. This location is the fathers domicile. If the father is deceased or unknown then the location is the mothers domicile.

Draft court order, consent order or agreement
A 'draft' version of a court order/consent order or an agreement is a version that has NOT YET been approved and stamped by the family court. The draft version is like a guide that will assist court staff to write the legally binding consent order.

Dry Nurse
A dry nurse is a female who looks after a baby but does not breastfeed someone’s baby.

DVIP - Domestic Violence Intervention Programme
DVIP is also known as DVPP - the domestic violence perpetrators programme. This is a programme for men who have committed domestic violence, aimed to help them with anger management and behavioural change.