Education and Child Matters


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Help Guide 18


Definitions of Education & Child Matters words and terms

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There are currently 22 terms in this directory beginning with the letter E.

Education Supervision Order
An education supervision order is a court order issued by the local authority imposing conditions and certain guidelines which you as the parent have to follow.

Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan)
The EHC plan is a legal document done by your local authority. As the title states the EHC plan outlines your child’s specific educational, health and care needs, the help needed to support these needs, and how this support will help your child achieve. A EHC plan can only be done for a child or young person between 0 – 25 years of age. It will stay in place until your child leaves education or until your local authority deems it that your child does not need the plan anymore. Your child’s EHC plan will be annually reviewed. At this review changes may be made, or it may stay the same.

Elective Home Education
A child being educated at home is known as elective home education (home-schooling). Elective home education can be full time or part time.

Emergency Protection Order
A local authority social worker will ask the court to grant an emergency protection order where they believe a child is in grave imminent danger or harm. This order can last for up to 8 days during which the local authority social worker can apply to the court for a care order.

Emotional and Psychological Abuse
This includes constantly putting a child down, making them feel uncared for, unloved, giving them the silent treatment, and making them feel worthless. It also includes over protecting them and them witnessing domestic abuse.

Employment Reference
This reference is given by your current employer if you are in a job or by your past employer if you are not. This reference will give your prospective employer an insight into your employment achievements, experience and abilities. For young school leavers you can ask someone who you babysit for or someone who you do odd jobs for as a referee.

Enforcement in child proceedings
This is the process, often court proceedings, to make sure one party complies with court directions.

Enforcement of a Child Arrangements Order
An enforcement order is made by a court when a parent has breached a child arrangements order or when there is a complete breakdown of the child arrangements order. The court has to be completely satisfied that the parent in question has breached the child arrangements order and that their reasons have no grounds.

An EPQ qualification is taken alongside A-Level studies. An EPQ qualification is valued by higher education establishments because it demonstrates commitment to independent learning. EPQ is short for extended project qualification. It takes 120 hours to complete an EPQ. The project is spread over 6 months (usually October to April). It is all coursework. It is a big independent project of your own choice and can involve writing a long academic essay or report of 1000 – 5000 words. You can also make an artefact (music composition or a piece of artwork) and submit it alongside a shorter essay. You should write about your research, your ideas, and how you approached the project. You will be asked to give a short presentation about your project.

The word estate with regards to wills & trusts refers to all your assets, pensions, property, chattels, possessions, investments, life insurance policies, businesses, rights and licences that you own.

Estate Planning
Estate planning in the process of sorting out your estate and who and how it will be distributed in the event of your death. Estate planning is important especially to minimise paying inheritance tax.

European Convention on Human Rights
This is a international treaty of 18 articles detailing the protection of human rights of people across Europe. It was drafted in 1950 and came into force on 03-09-1953.

This is another name for proof. An individual must forward proof to the court to support any allegations they have made.

To make an application to the court without informing your ex-partner/the other party.

An exam (also sometimes referred to as an evaluation, assessment, or test) is an assessment of the subject and course that a student has been studying. It can be marked internally (by the establishment that educated the student) or externally (by an organisation not associated with the education establishment where the student studied).

This is the individual who deals with your estate and will when you pass away and is responsible for paying the inheritance tax to the government.

This is another word for evidence. It is attached to a witness statement or affidavit.

Expat is short for expatriate. An expat is an individual who lives in a different country than where they are a citizen. In some cases, an expat is the term given to an individual who relinquishes their citizenship of their native country and becomes a citizen of another country. EXAMPLE – A British citizen living and working in Spain/Hong Kong will be referred to as an expat.

Expert Witness
A person who can write a report and offer an opinion on a topic in which they are an expert /have great knowledge and experience within.

A court decision or judgement made on the day of or straight after the hearing is called an extempore. Extempore means 'at the time'. It is often delivered orally at the end of the hearing. An extempore decision can sometimes be referred to as 'an off the cuff' decision.

Extra-curricular Actvities
Extra-curricular activities are activities that a student does which are not related to their field of study and are outside their chosen subject of study.

Extremism is when an individual has extreme religious and/or political views (vocal or active) which causes intolerance of other faiths, democracy, political views, liberty, and the law. Extremism can be violent and non-violent. Extremists can push and call for the death of members of the armed forces.