Education and Child Matters


I am a Litigant In Person

Help Guide 18


Definitions of Education & Child Matters words and terms

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There are currently 27 terms in this directory beginning with the letter F.

Face to Face Interview
A face to face interview is one that is conducted in person. Both the applicant (you) and the representative from the prospective organisation or company are present in the same room (usually across a table) and will communicate directly with each other.

Fact Finding Hearing
This is a hearing where a court will consider evidence regarding allegations. The court will decide whether this allegations are true based on the balance of probabilities. It is the job of the party making the allegations to prove they are true.

Fair Access
All local authorities in the UK should have a fair access policy to make sure that all children in the borough are offered a free state school place that is appropriate for them. This is especially important for looked after children (children in care), previously looked after children, children with special educational needs, disabilities and medical needs. State schools will often prioritise admission for these children.

Faith School
A faith school must be approved by the local authority and agreed by parents and the community. A faith school will normally set their own admissions policy and usually accepts children from other faiths. A faith school has to follow the national curriculum but can choose their own religious education studies. They are inspected by Ofsted.

Family Assistance Order
A family assistance order is a section 8 order made by the court where they will direct Cafcass or a social worker to assist and help a family and child where a child arrangement order has been made. A family assistance order is usually in place for 12 months and a report is normally provided for the court.

Family Court
The family court is where family court cases are heard. Family courts have been previously referred to the county court or magistrates court.

Family Procedure Rules
This is the law passed by the UK government governing all aspects of family law.

FDA - First Directions Appointment
The FDA is the first court hearing in the financial settlement case. At this hearing the judge will review all the divorce paperwork and will give directions for each party to comply with so to move the case onto the next hearing called the financial dispute resolution (FDR). If all the paperwork is in place and all financial disclosure has happened then the FDA hearing can be changed to an FDR hearing immediately so not to waste time and costs.

FDR - Financial Dispute Resolution
This is the second hearing in a financial settlement case where both parties will try and negotiate to reach a settlement with the help of the judge. At the FDR the judge cannot force a settlement upon either party.

Female Genital Mutilation
Female genital mutilation is the removal of some or all of the external genitalia of a female for non medical reasons. It can also include injury that has been caused to the external female genitalia. Other names for female genital mutilation are ‘female circumcision’, ‘female genital cutting’ and ‘incision’. Female genital mutilation has no health benefits at all. It is an act that is done for cultural reasons. FGM is a form of child abuse.

The family courts take FGM very seriously. You can make an application to the family court to ask them to grant a FGM protection court order (FGMPO) to protect the individual concerned. A FGMPO is an injunction court order (it forbids someone from doing something).

FHDRA - First Hearing Dispute Resolution Appointment
This is the name of the first hearing in a child arrangements court case.

Final hearing
This is the court hearing at the end of a case where a final outcome is decided. Unless there is an appeal the case will be closed after the final hearing.

Final Order
A final order is a court order stating that your marriage has ended.

Financial Provision
A legal term used for the process of sorting out marital assets, finances and pensions during a divorce to financially provide for particular party or all parties. Financial provision is also known as ancillary relief, financial remedy or financial settlement.

Financial Remedy
A legal term used for the process of dividing marital assets, finances and pensions during a divorce. Financial remedy is also known as ancillary relief or financial settlement.

Financial Resource
A financial resource is an asset such as liquid assets, reserves, money, or stash which forms part of the marital pot under section 75(2)(o) of the family law act because it has a future financial benefit.

Financial Settlement
This is the information written in a court order detailing all the agreements and decisions that have been made with regards to the division of marital assets, pensions and finances during a divorce.

Part time elective home-schooling is also called flexi-schooling. If your child is attending a school at the moment you can ask the headteacher if you can flexi-school your child. They may or may not give permission. If the headteacher refuses permission then all is not lost. Your local authority website will have lists of local schools/education establishments that will accept flexi-schooling.

A forced marriage protection order – FMPO – is an injunction issued by the court stopping someone taking you abroad, being violent towards you, taking steps towards marrying you/arranging your marriage or contacting you. The specifics of the court order will depend upon your case circumstances. You can apply for a forced marriage protection order if you are being forced into a marriage or you are already in a forced marriage. The court has the power to take away your passport if they feel this will keep you safe. A FMPO can be issued by the court at the same time as a police investigation or criminal proceedings taking place.

Forced Marriage
This is when an individual is being blackmailed, manipulated, coerced or forced into a matrimonial relationship against their will. There is a lack of full and free consent because this individual is being threatened and pushed to marry for reasons which are being enforced on them resulting in fear, guilt and shame. There can also be physical and sexual violence used to force an individual into submission. A forced marriage is also when an individual, who does not have the mental capacity to understand and agree with a matrimonial union, is encouraged to marry. Since 2017 all forced marriage victims have lifelong anonymity.

Fostering is the process of an individual(s) caring, looking after and bringing up a child as part of their family. The individual doing this is referred to as a foster carer.

Foundation Degree
A foundation degree was introduced in the UK by the department of education and employment in the year 2000 to help students progress in the specific career they want to pursue. This course is a mixture of academic study and practical work based experience in the field you are studying in. A foundation degree is studied at a higher education college. It is equivalent to the 1st and 2nd year of a bachelor’s degree at a university. A foundation degree is a 2 years full time course or a 3 – 4 year part time course. If you choose to and your course allows it you can continue the course for one more year and get a bachelor’s degree. There are no specific educational requirements to be accepted for a foundation degree. You can apply for a full time foundation degree through UCAS or contact the university or college directly yourself and ask the procedure if you want to study part time.

Foundation School
A foundation school is a maintained state school. It is funded by the local authority but run by the schools governing body. The governing body is in charge of employing teachers and staff. The school estate is owned by the governing body. A foundation school has freedom to make changes in the way they do things and can be influenced by businesses and religious groups. They have to follow the national curriculum and are inspected by Ofsted.

Free School
An free school is also referred to as an academy. It is a state school. It is not controlled or funded by the local authority. It is funded by the government (the department of education) and local sponsors such as businesses and faith groups. An academy has a lot of independence and can make changes (are flexible) to school hours, term dates and can follow a different curriculum. An academy or free school is operated by a non profit academy trust. A city academy is operated in the inner cities. These schools are for all children no matter what the ability of the child. An academy or free school can be set up by teachers, parents, businesses, a charity, a university, an independent school, and/or a faith group. Academies are inspected by Ofsted.

Freeing Order
This is an court order that states that a child can be put up for adoption despite that fact there is parental opposition. In this case the adoption will go ahead without parental agreement.

This is the extreme form of a religion that strictly adheres to and upholds the basic principles and belief of the literal interpretation of religious books and scriptures.