Education and Child Matters


I am a Litigant In Person

Help Guide 18


Definitions of Education & Child Matters words and terms

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There are currently 16 terms in this directory beginning with the letter H.

Habitual Residence
This is the country where you are settled, your main family life is, your children's schooling and your work is based.

Hadkinson Order
A Hadkinson Order is made when an individual is in contempt of court many times and is not complying with court directions. The Hadkinson order will stop this individual from taking part in further proceedings until these directions are complied with.

The handover is when a the care and of a child passes from one parent to the other parent.

The behaviour of an individual towards another that causes mental and emotional distress. This can include derogatory comments, lewd propositions, touching, threats, assault and insults.

Harassment is where the continuous unwanted behaviour of an individual causes upset and distress to a person they are targeting because of their identity. Harassment can come in the form of rude facial expressions, physical gestures, offensive banter, verbal abuse, offensive comments on social media and graffiti. If a child is harassed because of a protected characteristic such as gender and skin colour then this is referred to as discrimination.

A hearing is a court meeting where a judge/magistrate deals with a case.

Hearsay is when one party gives evidence that someone else/a third party said something. Hearsay is inadmissible in courts because it cannot be proved and is unreliable. Hearsay are often statements intended to make the other party look unfavourable.

Hidden Curriculum
This curriculum concerns the unplanned beliefs, insights, values and things which are learned by students but are not planned or intentionally taught.

High Ability Child
According to the National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC) a high ability child is a gifted individual who demonstrates outstanding levels of aptitude (defined as an exceptional ability to reason and learn) or competence (documented performance or achievement in top 10% or rarer) in one or more domains. Their ability is well above their peers and age group.

High Achieving Child
A high achieving child is one that performs at the top of their class, year group and peers. They are often called bright. They are interested, alert, attentive, observant, they learn with ease, work easily with advanced ideas, complete work on time, do well in exams, and achieve A grades,

High Court
The high court together with the court of appeal and the crown court are the senior courts in the UK. The high court has three divisions and they are a) Family division b) Chancery division c) Queens bench division.

HMCTS - Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service
The HMCTS is the government organisation that is responsible for the UK courts.

HNC is short for higher national certificate. It is a practical vocational training and learning course which gives you an education level 4 qualification. It is equivalent to the first year at university. The course is 1 year full time and 2 years part time. Students will study at a higher or further education establishment such as a university for a HNC. A student can go straight into work after completing their HNC or apply to study for a course at degree level. You can enter a degree in year 2 if you have completed your HNC. A HNC is ideal if a student wants to go straight into work in a chosen career.

HND is short for higher national diploma. It is a practical vocational training and learning course which gives a student an education level 5 qualification. It is equivalent to the first 2 years at university. Students will study at a higher or further education establishment such as a university for a HND. A HND full time course is 2 years and part time is 3-4 years. A student can go straight into work after completing their HND or apply to study for a bachelor’s degree. You can enter a degree in year 3 if you have completed your HND qualification. A HND is ideal if a student wants to go straight into work in a chosen career.

Home Alone - Child
To leave your child ‘home alone’ means that your child is at home or another place (including a car) without an adult over 18 years of age present to supervise. If there are other minor children present then your child is still considered to be ‘home alone’ because an adult over 18 years of age is not present to supervise.

Home Schooling
A child being educated at home is known as elective home education (home-schooling). Home schooling can be full time or part time.