Education and Child Matters


I am a Litigant In Person

Help Guide 18


Definitions of Education & Child Matters words and terms

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There are currently 28 terms in this directory beginning with the letter I.

Implacable Hostility
This is a term used to describe a parents deep rooted hatred towards the other parent where they will not co-operate with a court order, court directions and sharing parental responsibility.

In Absentia
This is the Latin term which means 'in the absence of'. In Absentia refers to a court decision that has been made despite the fact that one party did not attend - it was made in their absence.

In Camera
This is a Latin term which means 'in a chamber'. In camera refers to a hearing that the press and public cannot attend.

In Curia
This is the Latin term for 'in a court'. In curia refers to a court hearing that is held in an open court. An open court is a court that anyone can attend.

In Loco Parentis
This is the Latin term for 'in the place of a parent'. In loco parentis refers to an individual who takes on the responsibility of a parent.

In Utero
This is the Latin term for 'in the womb'. In utero refers to an unborn child.

In Year Application
An in year application is one the school receives once the school term has started. Your local authority will inform you how to do this and will help you.

Independent Reviewing Officer
The main aim of an independent reviewing officer is to make sure local authority child services are taking the child’s wishes, their views and concerns into consideration when producing the care plan. An IRO is a very experienced social worker. They hold review meetings where care plans are discussed. An IRO will also help a child decide how they would like to convey their wishes and views to local authority child services and their social workers. An IRO may help a child attend a review meeting or if not will make sure the child’s wishes have been heard. The IRO must inform the looked after child that they are entitled to an independent advocate.

Independent School
This is also known as a private school and is registered with the department of education. An independent school is funded by the school fees paid by the parents of the children who attend the school. The school is also funded via investments made by the school. Sometimes an organisation can sponsor the school. These schools have their own curriculums. They do not have to follow the national curriculum. Their admissions intake does not usually depend on a child’s ability though some independent schools can have entrance exams where they will choose the highest achievers. These schools have their own criteria on exclusions. Some independent schools are inspected by Ofsted, some by the independent schools inspectorate and some by the school inspection service.

Indirect Contact
This refers to contact between individuals that are not face to face. Indirect contact is contact by email, telephone, social media or letter.

Individual Healthcare Plan
The aim of an individual healthcare plan is to ensure a school can look after, make provisions and arrangements, and effectively support a child with medical needs at school. This plan will make clear what needs to be done, by whom, when and how the child should be supported. An individual healthcare plan is written with input from the student, the parents, the school and any healthcare professionals involved. An individual healthcare plan is often drafted when a child has a long term medical condition, a recurring medical condition, a life threatening medical condition, and where there could be emergency treatment needed. It is the head teacher who will make a decision if an individual healthcare plan is needed and order one to be written. The plan should be reviewed annually if not sooner but it depends on the child’s medical condition.

Inheritance Tax
Inheritance tax is the compulsory tax paid to the government from your estate when you pass away. Inheritance tax is the paid on the value of the estate over a certain threshold set by the government.

A court order to stop an individual from doing a specific action.

Inlying Costs
These are unanticipated costs associated with bringing up a child.

Inset Day
The school is open to teachers and staff but not to enrolled pupils. It is when teachers go to school and undergo training and other duties such as planning and administration tasks. Of the 190 academic school days, schools can take 5 inset days. The dates are decided by the head teacher.

Intended Parents
The intended parent(s) with regards to surrogacy is the individual or couple who intend to apply for a parental order once the child is born. The intended parents sometimes are the genetic parents of the child.

Inter Alia
This is the Latin term for 'amongst other things'. Inter alia is when the court makes a variety of court orders at a hearing as well as the one that was asked for or needed. Inter alia refers to the fact that there are other things involved as well as the thing you are mentioning or are concerned about.

Inter Partes
This is the Latin term for 'between parties'. Inter partes refers to a court hearing where all parties are in attendance.

Intercountry Child Adoption
Intercountry child adoption is the process of legally adopting a child from another country other than the one where you are habitually resident and bringing the child into that country to live with you as part of your family.

This is another word for an injunction. An injunction is a court order stopping an individual from doing something.

Interim Care Order
This is a temporary care order which allows the local authority to take a child into their care whilst care proceedings are being heard and are in progress. An interim care is often granted by the court where the local authority believes a child is in imminent danger or at risk. As with a care order when a court grants the local authority an interim care order they will get shared parental responsibility for the child. An interim care order normally lasts for about 2 months. After this it can be renewed after every 28 days as many times as the local authority requires.

Interim Order
An interim order is a court order issued and actioned whilst proceedings are ongoing. At the end of proceedings the interim order is either ended or replaced with a final order.

International Baccalaureate
The international baccalaureate IB is a diploma qualification which is equivalent to the UK A-Level qualification. It is a course for 16 – 19 year old students that is studied across the world, is internationally recognised, and accepted by all UK universities.

International School
An international school is a fee paying school where the following children can enrol to study: Children whose parents permanently live abroad. Children of expats Children of diplomats Most international schools will allow local children of the host country where they are based to apply to enrol in the school. International schools have the flexibility to set their own term dates and admissions criteria. They also offer an internationally recognised curriculum which focuses on international education. The qualifications gained by the students at the age of 16 years and 18 years will be recognised globally and be valid in other countries. International schools will teach their students about the different cultures of the world. This prepares the children to enter a globalised multicultural society.

International Surrogacy
In the UK, it is legal to use an international surrogate. In some countries, commercial surrogacy is legal. You can pay an international surrogate to carry your child. In some countries you may be able to have your name on the birth certificate however, in the UK it may not be recognised. Once the child arrives in the UK you can make an application for a parental order.

An intervenor is an individual who acts as a third party in legal proceedings.

This is when an individual passes away without a valid will so the court will have to distribute their estate according to the rules of intestacy. Only a married or civil partner can automatically inherit this estate. A person who passes away with no will is referred to as an intestate person.

This word refers to the level of contact an individual has with a child.