Education and Child Matters


I am a Litigant In Person

Help Guide 18


Definitions of Education & Child Matters words and terms

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There are currently 21 terms in this directory beginning with the letter L.

Late Deferral
A late deferral is one where you have applied for a university place and have been offered a place but now you would like to defer your place. UCAS, the university, college and course organisers were not informed at the time they made the offer to you. If this happens then it is up to the university, college, and course organisers if they can do this. It may be in your interest to call or email the university, college, or course organisers and explain your situation in detail so you can make an informed decision.

Late School Application
A late application is one that was not considered before the school made an offer and one that was submitted after the final submission date but before the first day of the academic term.

The process of taking out legal proceedings/legal action/taking a dispute to the court of law.

Lay Magistrate
This term refers to an individual who presides over a court case but is not legally trained, works part time and is not paid. They are volunteers who can claim expenses. In court there will be a legal adviser present to help them with points of law.

Learner Centred Curriculum
This type of curriculum focuses on student learning, how would a student go about solving a problem and the type of things a student would like to learn.

Learning Difficulty
A learning difficulty is when a child has a significant degree of difficulty learning things compared to others in the same age group.

Learning Disability
A learning disability is a disability that makes it difficult for a child to use facilities in mainstream education institutions compared to others

Leave to Remove
This is the term used when an individual asks the court for consent/permission to take a child abroad when the other parent is making an objection.

Legal Aid
A government scheme that will pay the legal fees of an individual claiming benefits or on a low income. Legal Aid is now only available for divorce cases with reference to domestic violence, child protection cases and mediation.

Legal contact
Contact is the legal right of a child to spend time and interact with their parent(s) or any person who has legal parental responsibility for them. It is not the legal right of the parent to spend time with their child. Contact is also the word used when parents separate/divorce and ‘contact’ arrangements need to be sorted out between the child and the non-resident parent (the parent that is not living day to day with the child). Contact should only be possible with a parent or any other individual if the child is safe and it is in the best interest of the child.

Legal Guardian
A legal guardian is an individual who has been appointed by a family court for the following reasons: To speak on behalf of a child. To take responsibility for a child’s wellbeing, health, safety and upkeep. To make decisions on behalf of a child such as schooling and discipline. To ensure a child is cared for and brought up in a proper fashion (their day to day needs are taken care of) To arrange for the care and upbringing of a child. To be a child’s legal representative. To manage the child’s assets To manage the child’s finances. To manage the child’s inheritance. Legal guardians are also known as conservator, curator and custodian.

Legal Privilege
This is the term used to describe the fact that communication between an individual and their legal representative such as a solicitor or barrister are confidential and cannot be divulged to anyone else.

Liability Order
This is a court order that is granted so a public body such as the child maintenance service can enforce payment.

A litigant is an individual involved in legal proceedings.

Litigant In Person
An individual involved in legal proceedings but not represented by a solicitor or barrister.

The term used to refer to the process of starting legal proceedings or taking legal action.

Litigation Friend
This is an individual who helps a child or a protected person in legal proceedings. A protected person is a person who are mentally incapable of making their own decisions and sorting out their own affairs.

Local Child Curfew
The curfew bans the child from entering a public place between the hours of 9pm and 6am unless with an adult. A local child curfew can last for up to 3 months.

Local Offer
The local offer is a web page on your local authorities website that details all the provisions available for special educational needs and disability children and young people up to the age of 25 years. There will be information on support services available, social care and help and guidance on lots of issues. The local offer will also explain how to apply for a EHC plan for a child with special educational needs.

This is the word used for submitting/filing documents in court.

Looked After Child
A looked after child is also known as a child in care. A looked after child is one that is cared for by your local authority child services for more than 24 hours. Care can include living in accommodation provided by them for more than 24 hours. A look after child will be in the care of local authority child services through a court order or with agreement of the parents or person with parental responsibility.