Education and Child Matters


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Help Guide 18


Definitions of Education & Child Matters words and terms

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There are currently 22 terms in this directory beginning with the letter R.

This happens when an individual is brainwashed, encouraged, and manipulated to develop and believe in extreme views in support of terrorist organisations.

Ratio is the Latin tern for 'rationes decidendi'. Ratio is the term used to describe that part of a court order or judgement where the judge writes their reasons for coming to the decision(s) they have made. These reasons may set a precedent for future cases.

A recital is written in a court order (often at the beginning) and is different court directions which are also written into a court order (in the main body of the order). A recital is a sentence(s) about issues that a court cannot order or enforce. An example of this is 'neither party should disrespect each other in front of the children'. Court directions are enforceable.

Recommended Curriculum
This curriculum is implemented by a particular government, education authority or professional organisation so that specific topics, subjects and courses are taught. There are specific learning areas, academic standards, and outcomes that are required.

This is a legally trained individual who can act as a judge on a part time basis where they are required to assist parties to prepare for trial, manage cases and give decisions in contested trials. A recorder is often a part time circuit judge.

This is the word used to excuse a judge/magistrate from presiding over a case because of conflict of interest or there maybe not be able to make an impartial decision. An example of this could be that one party is known to the judge.

Red Brick University
Red Brick is a group of 6 universities, all of whom are in the Russell Group. These 6 red brick universities focus more on technical subjects and are located in the major 19th century industrial cities of England.

A referee is the word used to describe the individual who has agreed to give you a reference.

REMO Unit - Reciprocal Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Unit
The REMO unit is a government body that oversees child maintenance orders for those children whose parent(s) lives abroad in a REMO country.

Res Judicata
This is the Latin term for 'a matter judged'. Res judicata refers to a case that has been tried and cannot be tried again.

This word is used to describe when a judge assigns a case so that it is only heard by that particular judge and no other.

Reserved Decision
A reserved decision made by a judge is made later (many days) after the court hearing and is often given in written form. The judge will put thought and preparation into a reserved decision. A reserved decision is different from an extempore decision where the judge will give an oral decision straight after the court hearing.

Residence Order
Residence order is an old name for a child arrangements order which details where and with whom a child shall live after a divorce or separation.

Resident Parent
The parent with whom a child lives with on a day to day basis/the majority of the time.

Residential Care
Residential care is when a child (who cannot live with their own family) is cared for in local authority accommodation where many children are resident. It is a form of group care. Residential care is also a way of providing a short term break for a disabled child. Residential care is often provided when other types of care such as kinship care or foster care have been unsuccessful.

The individual whose ex-partner has submitted an application form to the court to start proceedings. The court will write to the respondent to inform them an application has been made, ask them to respond to the application, comply with court directions or to attend court.

Restorative Justice
Restorative justice is where the perpetrator and the victim meet so the victim gets a chance to inform the perpetrator what they feel and how the crime has affected them. The process has been found as a tool to rehabilitate the perpetrator.

Restraining Order
This is a court order which stops an individual from coming near or contacting another.

Revenge Porn
Revenge porn is the sharing, distribution, and showing of private sexual images and videos of another individual without their permission with the aim of making them suffer.

Rights of Audience
This is the right an individual has to address a judge and examine a witness in the court room.

Role Model
A role model is an individual whom another person, especially children, looks up to, respects, holds in high esteem and wishes to emulate their level of achievements and behaviour. A good role model has a positive effect and influence on others. A good role model is very important because children are very easily influenced.

Russell Group University
A Russell Group was formed in 1994 and comprised 17 universities. Today in 2022 there are 24 elite internationally recognised members, the majority of which are at the top of the UK university league tables. The focus on research and academic achievement of these universities is high. The Russell Group since 2007 is an official organisation. Universities in the Russell Group have the highest rates of students completing their degrees. Many employers regard a degree from a Russell Group university more prestigious because they have high entrance requirements and lower student acceptance rates. The institute of fiscal studies has shown that graduates from Russell Group universities earn approximately 10% more than graduates from non Russell Group universities.