Education and Child Matters


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Help Guide 18


Definitions of Education & Child Matters words and terms

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There are currently 78 terms in this directory beginning with the letter S.

Safeguarding Letter/Report
This is a report produced by Cafcass in preparation for the FHDRA court hearing for child arrangements. Previously this report was called a schedule 2 letter.

SATS is short for standardised assessment tests. They are also referred to as national curriculum tests and are compulsory. These exams/tests are not coursework related. They are taken by students in primary school in year 2 and then again in year 6. SATS assess the educational developments of students in comparison to their peers and nationally and their weaknesses and strengths in academia. SATS are used as a guide for the government, local authority, parents and students to ascertain the standard of a school. The SATS taken in year 2 are called KS1 SATS. Students sit the maths and reading SATS in May. Teachers will also evaluate the listening, speaking, writing, and science education of the student. From 2023 all schools can choose if they wish their students to sit these exams. The SATS taken in year 6 are called KS2 SATS. Students are examined on maths, punctuation, spelling, grammar and reading. Teachers will also evaluate the listening, speaking, writing, and science education of the student. The spelling, punctuation and grammar element of these SATS tests are referred to as SPaG.

School Admissions Policy
All education establishments including schools in the UK have an admissions policy which details the criteria they have set for deciding which children will be enrolled into the school. These admissions criteria can be set by the school itself or by the local authority.

School Attendance Order
A school attendance order is a court order obtained by your local authority stating that you must return your child to the school written in the court order.

School Behaviour Policy
Your child’s school will have a behaviour policy. This policy will detail how the school expects the children to behave on the school premises, on school trips and outside of the school away from the premises. It details standards of behaviour and what sanctions can be given when these behavioural standards are disobeyed. The school behaviour policy must be available to all students, parents and school staff. Some schools are required to publish their behaviour policy on their website.

School Exclusion
It is a general term which can be used for both temporary suspension of a child from school or the permanent expulsion of a child.

School Expulsion
A school expulsion is a permanent removal of a child from the school. The child’s name will be removed from the school admissions register. The child will have to enrol in a new school elsewhere. The school must remove a child from the admissions register within 5 school days of the child leaving the school.

School Holiday
A school holiday is a set time during the year where the school will be closed for academic education and will not be providing any lessons for pupils.

School Suspension
A school suspension is a fixed period of exclusion from the school premises. It is a temporary removal of a child from school. This is usually for discipline reasons.

School Term
A school term is a set academic period of time during which lessons and education is provided by the school for pupils enrolled at the school. Usually there are 3 set school terms which make up the school year. The school year for most schools starts in the first week of September and ends in the third week of July

School Transition
The term ‘school transition’ is used to describe the movement of a child of compulsory school age to, from, between and through different phases, aspects and points in their education life

Scott Schedule
This is a document in a table format on which domestic violence allegations are written down by one partner. A copy of the scott schedule is sent to the court, Cafcass and the other partner. This partner them must complete their section of the scott schedule and respond to these allegations.

This is the court stamp that is put on on court order to indicate that it has been approved by the court.

Section 37 Report
This is a report ordered by the court where there are serious concerns about the child/children’s safety during the child arrangement proceedings. There are fears the child/children may be at risk of harm. The section 37 report is either done by Cafcass or an experienced social worker and they will conduct a thorough investigation. This report will allow the court to determine what further action needs to be taken to protect the child/children, for example, a temporary care order or a supervision order. It takes about 8 weeks to prepare this report. During these 8 weeks, the child can be placed in temporary care. If a child is interviewed for a section 37 report, they are usually accompanied by their parent. If Cafcass or the local authority feel that a care or supervision order is not required, they must state their reasons.

Section 47 Report
This report is ordered by the court to be carried out by Cafcass or experienced social workers. An assessment or investigation must be conducted when a child/children are in police protection, are the subject of an emergency protection order, or the child/children are suffering serious harm. This report must be completed within 45 days. Cafcass or the social worker will obtain reports from the police, health visitors, doctors, and the school. They will also talk with the parents. Normally, if a child is interviewed for a section 47 report they are interviewed alone.

Section 7 Report.
This is also called a welfare report. A section 7 report by Cafcass is a detailed report ordered by the court during child arrangement proceedings where you and your ex-partner cannot agree on issues concerning your child/children. This report will contain facts and details guided by the court and looks into issues that the court has asked Cafcass to report on. It will take into account the child’s/children’s wishes, needs, and feelings. The child/children will be interviewed most probably alone, depending upon the child/children’s ages. Cafcass may also speak to family members, teachers, counsellors, and health professionals in preparation of this report. The report will contain welfare issues, parental problems, family issues, and Cafcass recommendations about what they think should happen going forward. It takes 12 weeks for Cafcass to prepare a section 7 report.

Section 91 (14) Order
This is a court order that stops an individual involved in the proceedings from making further applications until the end of the proceedings or until when the court order states. This order is also called a barring order.

Self Harm
Self harming is the term used to describe when an individual resorts to hurting themselves as a way of managing, coping and dealing with intense emotions, anger, thoughts and feelings of fear and distress that may be overwhelming them.

SEN is short for special educational needs.

SEN Information Report
The SEND code of practice section 6.79 says that all schools must publish an annual sen information report outlining how they support and make arrangements for children with special educational needs and disabilities and medical needs at their school.

SEN Support
Support for children with special educational needs, disabilities and medical needs are provided through a system called sen support.

SEN Support Plan
If your child is being given sen support the SENCO will write a sen support plan for your child. The sen support plan will be specific for your child. It will discuss their goals and aims and how the school can help them. Your child’s sen support plan will include details about targets that should be met. These targets are SMART targets. These targets are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. The SENCO can ask the school to provide specialist support from outside the school such as an educational psychologist, speech support, language and behaviour support.

The SEN support department of schools and nurseries is run by a teacher called the special educational needs coordinator (SENCO). It is the responsibility of the SENCO to provide as much support as possible for children. The SENCO will work with other teachers in the school, organise learning aids, help in exams, and provide support especially catered for the children they are looking after. The SENCO will also keep a record of all the help they can provide and keep an eye on progress.

SEND is short for special educational needs and disabilities.

To serve someone means they must receive a copy of your court application form and any other relevant court papers that require them to be informed, respond, comply with directions and/or attend court.

Set aside a court order
This is when the court dismisses an existing court order as if it had never been made in the first place.

Sexting is a relatively new activity which has arisen in the digital age and gained traction as technology expands with more younger users. Sexting is carried out by children under the age of 18 years of age. Sexting encompasses the following: Sending a sexually explicit text message. Sending a provocative audio clip. Sending a naked or partly naked image or video. Posting a naked or partly naked image or video on social media Live streaming a sexual act (videos or images) on social media, forums or on group chats. Sharing naked or partly naked images and videos with many others via technological devices. Sharing, posting or live streaming any other indecent image or video (please see below what is considered indecent) Sexting is also known as nude image sharing.

Sexual Abuse
This is when a child is coerced or forced into any sexual activity. Sexual abuse includes online grooming of young children, showing a child pornographic images, a child taking part in pornography, and taking and sharing indecent and nude pictures of children.

Sexual Assault On A Date
Sexual assault on a date is when a sexual act is inflicted upon someone without their consent. The term sexual assault can also includes forcing someone to witness a rape or sexual assault.

Sexual Harrassment
Sexual harassment is unwelcome attention and behaviour of a sexual nature towards an individual. It can be direct, indirect, online and through social media. Sexual harassment can leave an individual feeling scared, humiliated, and intimidated.

Sexual Orientation
An individual’s sexual orientation refers to their self-identification in relation to the gender to which they are sexually attracted. Sexual orientation words are heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, straight, pansexual.

Sexually Transmitted Disease
A sexually transmitted disease (STD) is a virus, bacterium, microorganism or parasite infection. A sexually transmitted disease can also be commonly referred to as a sexually transmitted infection (STIs).

Shared Parental Leave
This is the term used when a mother can end her maternity leave and pay early so that both parents can divide parental leave between them. Both you and your partner are allowed to share up to 50 weeks on leave and 37 weeks of pay.

Shared Residence
This happens when a child's living arrangements is shared between both parents equally and the child lives with each parent at different days and times of the week.

Sine Die
This is the Latin tern for 'without a day'. Sine Die refers to the situation where a court hearing is adjourned without a new set date and time to continue the hearing. It is left open.

Single Parent
A single parent is an individual who has the parental responsibility of a child but does not have a spouse or live in partner to share the parental responsibilities on a full time basis. A single parent has the same workload as a married parent except they are carrying out the workload by themselves. A single parent is also known as a lone parent.

Skeleton Argument
This is a written document where the outline of a case is detailed. It summarise the main issues that need to be addressed and the main arguments in a case. A skeleton argument is often prepared before a hearing.

SLAPP Suit - Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation
This is the term used to describe a law suit where the primary objective is to silence, harass, intimidate and financially and psychologically exhausting someone from criticising and taking legal action against you. This is normally taken out by firms and organisations to supress someone from taking out legal action. This is a form of legal abuse.

Sleep Over
A sleep over is a social event where your child spends the night sleeping at their friends home or the other way round. There may be more than one child that participates in the sleep over. Another name for a sleep over is a slumber party.

Slip Rule
This is the rule that is used where a judge can correct a court order or judgement because a mistake, omission, typing error or accidental slip has occurred. Under this rule notice does not need to be given to the other side nor is there a requirement for a hearing so the correction can be made. The party that has noticed the mistake can make an application for correction without notice.

Smacking is a form of physical discipline. Smacking can include spanking and slapping. Smacking is hitting with the palm of the hand on the body except the face. Spanking is hitting with the palm of the hand on the buttocks or back of the thighs. Slapping is hitting with the palm of the hand on the face.

A legally qualified individual who manages your case, gives you legal advise and represents you.

Special Educational Needs School
Attended by children with educational learning disabilities or special educational needs. Some of these schools are independent and some are funded by the local authority. The majority follow the national curriculum. Children who attend these schools usually have an education health and care plan (EHC plan). An EHC plan used to be called a statement of special educational needs. Special educational needs schools specialise in the following: Sensory and physical needs. Social, emotional and mental health. Cognition and learning. Communication and interaction.

Special Educational Provision
Special educational provisions are materials, adaptations, special equipment, technology, and things provided to children with special educational needs, disabilities and medical needs so they can access the national curriculum, lessons and study that are available to other children without these needs.

Special Guardianship
Under the children act 1989 and the adoption and children act 2002 a special guardianship is where a child under 18 years of age is placed with an individual(s) other than his/her parents to look after and care for them for the long term. The child may have been living with these individual(s) for some time before the family court ordered a special guardianship. A special guardian will make all the day to day decisions for the child, provide for the child, and look after the child’s safety, full time care, and wellbeing.

Specialist School
A specialist school is a state community school or academy that focuses on 1 or 2 subjects such as technology or arts alongside other academic subjects. They follow the national curriculum.

Specific Issue Order
A specific issue order is a section 8 order made by a court where an agreement is not being reached between you and your ex-partner regarding a particular issue, such as, schooling, surname, medical treatment, going abroad, or stopping contact. Anyone with parental responsibility can apply for a specific issue order. Extended family can apply, but they need permission from the court first. They will ask for permission from the court. In some instances, a specific issue order can last until the child is 16 years or 18 years.

Spiking Drinks
To spike your drink means that a chemical mind altering substance including alcohol has been put into your drink without your consent leaving you vulnerable to rape, sexual assault or theft.

SPIP - Separated Parents Information Programme
This is an free of charge online programme to help separated parents co-parent effectively, administer a child arrangement order and deal with child issues constructively.

Spiral Curriculum
This curriculum repeats some of the content of a subject throughout the students’ education years. Each time the topic is studied in greater depth.

Split Hearing
This is the term used when a court hearing is in two parts. The first part will often be a fact finding hearing where evidence is gathered and assessed regarding allegations made. The second hearing is where the judgement or decision is made based on the facts found at the first hearing.

Stalking is a form of harassment that is repeated or done consistently. In other words it has happened more than once. It can also be the case where the perpetrator is not listening to you asking them to stop. Stalking can involve the following: Sending repeated unwanted emails and letters to an individual Repeatedly calling an individual Following an individual on a constant basis and hanging about where they will be. Sending unwanted gifts Cyber stalking online, in a chat room, and on social media. Sending many abusive text messages. Turning up uninvited to your home again and again. Spying on you Often the perpetrator can be obsessive and fixated with you. Stalking is illegal and you can report the perpetrator.

State Boarding School
A state boarding school is free to attend but fees are charged for boarding (staying there). Some state boarding schools are academies and free schools. A few are operated by the local authority. There are charities that can help a family with the fees of boarding.

Statement of Service
This is a form sent to the court to inform them that an individual has been served/given/they have received a copy of an application and/or other relevant court documents that require them to be informed, respond, comply with a direction or attend court. The person who has served the individual that needed to be served must complete this form.

Statement of Truth
A paragraph at the end of a written statement stating that the person who wrote the content of the statement believes it to be the whole truth and nothing but the truth to the best of their knowledge. This paragraph must be signed and dated. A solicitor can also sign a statement of truth on your behalf.

Statute Law
A written law passed by parliament that originated from decisions made in courts throughout the country. A statute is an act of parliament.

Statutory Adoption Leave
Statutory adoption leave is the permitted time an employee is allowed to take off when they are adopting a child. This also applies to having a child through surrogacy.

Statutory Law
This is the law that has been passed by acts of parliament.

Statutory Maternity Leave
Statutory maternity leave is the permitted time an employee is allowed to take off when they are pregnant or have just had a baby.

Statutory Paternity Leave
Statutory paternity leave is the permitted time an employee is allowed to take off when they are the biological father or their partner has had a baby themselves, through surrogacy (if they consented to the surrogacy) or through adoption.

This is the word used to temporarily halt or stop court proceedings from progressing forward.

Stop And Search
Stop and search is the legal power given to the police, as the name suggests, to stop and search an individual and their possessions as long as they have reasonable grounds to do so. The police can stop and search a child under 18 years of age.

Strike Out
This is when a court decides that documents/evidence/paperwork in a court case cannot be relied upon or used. They are struck out by the court.

Studio School
A studio school is a type of free state school that has about 300 pupils. The teaching is centred around vocational project based learning. This combines mainstream academic learning with real life work with local employers. There is a focus to develop skills that are needed in the workplace.

Sub Nomine
This is the Latin term for 'under the name of'. Sub Nomine is where an individual starts court proceedings under one name and then continues under another name if they have changed their name during the proceedings.

Subject Centred Curriculum
This type of curriculum focuses on making sure that the central knowledge of a subject is passed onto the students during the course lessons.

Submission is sending documents, proposals, a legal argument or a court application to start proceedings to the court for consideration.

This is the Latin term for 'under penalty'. Subpoena refers to a summons or writ from the court requiring an individual to attend court.

Substantive Law
This is another word for statutory law which is the written law passed by acts of parliament.

Summer Born Child
A summer born child is also known as an out of age cohort child. A summer born child is one that becomes the right age for the year group just after the date when the year ends. An example of this is when a child reaches the right age for admission into a class in year 7 on 31st August but they will be admitted into a year 6 class.

This is a court document/subpoena or writ served (given) on an individual informing them that they need to attend court.

Super Curricular Activities
Super-curricular activities are activities that a student has done that is related to their chosen field and subject of study and they have chosen to study more or go into more depth than that that has been taught by the school or college.

Supervised Contact
This happens when a parent can only meet with their child in the presence and under the supervision of a third party.

Supervision Order
A supervision order is where a child stays with the parents or with the person with parental responsibility and the local authority social worker will help the family improve their situation, oversee the improvements, support the family where necessary, visit the family and offer resources to help the family. A supervision order lasts for 12 months. After this period it can be increased to a further 36 months if required.

Supreme Court
The highest court in UK. The supreme court will deal with appeals from the court of appeal. Nine judges sit in the supreme court and deal with cases.

Surrogate Birth Father
The surrogate birth father is the husband or civil partner of the birth mother whether he is the genetic father of the child or not. However, if this individual has not consented to her being a surrogate then he will not be considered the birth father.

Surrogate Birth Mother
The surrogate birth mother is the woman who is the surrogate. She carries and gives birth to the baby.

Surrogate Parents
The surrogate parent(s) are the birth parent(s) of the child