Education and Child Matters


I am a Litigant In Person

Help Guide 18


Definitions of Education & Child Matters words and terms

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There are currently 10 terms in this directory beginning with the letter V.

A vaccine is a biological preparation or medicine that once administered stimulates and enables our body’s immune system to fight infections and diseases it has never come across before. In this way you acquire immunisation against a particular disease or infection.

Vary or Variation
This is when an existing court order is altered in some way. To do this you would need to make an application to the court.

Vexatious Litigant
This is an individual who makes unnecessary and/or repetitive applications to the court in existing proceedings to harass the other party and delay the case. Their applications are often without merit.

Video Interview
A video interview is a live interview which is conducted using an electronic device. Both parties will need access to the internet and their device will have to have a webcam of some sort. Both the applicant (you) and the interviewer will see each other and can communicate without actually physically being in the same room.

Virtual School
A virtual school is an additional resource and service from the local authority that supports and helps the educational and academic achievements of looked after children. It is composed of a group of professionals such as education welfare officers, personal education plan coordinators, managers and learning mentors that make up a virtual school team. There is also a headteacher who is called the virtual school head. The virtual school team works in collaboration with the child’s school, designated teacher, social worker, and carers to offer support, help and make sure every looked after child can and is performing to their maximum. The virtual school team makes sure a looked after child has access to activities that can help with career plans.

Virtual School Head
The virtual school head oversees the education, the support, the help and guidance given to all looked after children. They are also in charge of the educational care of any looked after children placed in education out of the local authority. They must ensure that all personal educational plans are being followed and reviewed regularly as legally required. Under section 99 of the children and families act 2014 a local authority must have a virtual school head who is in charge of the local authorities virtual school team.

Vocational Training and Learning
Vocational learning or training is training or learning in relation to employment or an occupation with the student acquiring particular practical skills specific to that occupation.

Voluntary Aided School
A voluntary aided school is a maintained state school. It is a religious faith school funded by the local authority and the religious organisation such as the church. This school is operated by the governing body who also contribute to the schools maintenance costs. They have to follow the national curriculum and are inspected by Ofsted.

Voluntary Care
Voluntary care is when the parents of a child or the person with parental responsibility agrees that the child in question should be cared for and housed by the local authority. A child in voluntary care is also known as a ‘looked after’ child.

Voluntary Controlled School
A voluntary controlled school is a maintained state school. It is a voluntary aided school where the funding is from the logical authority only. The local authority operates the school. They have to follow the national curriculum and are inspected by Ofsted.