Education and Child Matters

Pastoral Care And School Child Protection Policy



The objective of pastoral care in schools is to look after the physical and emotional wellbeing of students with regards to most aspects of school life. The school staff are responsible for providing pastoral care for students, however the school should have a designated teacher who is in charge of pastoral care.

Pastoral care is not simply about supporting the students with their academic achievements, it aims to help students at the school feel safe, happy and to achieve their full potential. 

Pastoral care encourages an atmosphere of learning, tolerance, respect for others, friendship, equality, and students to access opportunities, all helping to improve student attendance. It also aims to help disadvantaged and vulnerable students to access education by putting provisions in place, celebrating diversity, and having all safeguarding procedures in place to provide a child-centred school environment for learning.  

In 1974, Mr Michael Marland (headteacher) outlined 6 aims of pastoral care. They are:

  1. Maintain an orderly environment.
  2. Teacher students to show respect for others.
  3. Make sure students have onsite counselling services
  4. Prepare students for their next steps.
  5. Support teaching and learning in the school
  6. Enhance students’ experiences.


All schools and education establishments must have a document called a child protection policy as part of their pastoral care. 

A child protection policy can be referred to as a safeguarding and child protection procedure policy or something similar but they are the same thing.

All policies must be available for all students, parents and staff to read. Most schools have it available on their website. 


The school’s child protection policy will outline a) what procedures a school has in place b) how a school will deal with certain issues c) what are the school expectations and requirements on the following subjects to name a few – 

  1. Teacher  – training, do’s and don’ts, guidance, allegations, meetings and roles
  2. Names of teachers designated with specific roles.
  3. Student code of conduct and behaviour 
  4. Discipline 
  5. Punctuality
  6. Attendance
  7. Uniform, dress code, appearance and hygiene 
  8. Bullying, harassment, sexting, and sexual harassment
  9. Abuse – neglect, physical, sexual, emotional
  10. Pregnancy
  11. FGM
  12. Sickness and injury of students
  13. School trips.
  14. Drugs, alcohol, mobile phones, and smoking
  15. Handling, contact and use of reasonable force with students
  16. Internet and photograph permission slips
  17. Prohibited items
  18. Curriculum issues
  19. Online safety
  20. Student concerns
  21. Reviewing the policy 

Sometimes a school can have a separate policy on different subjects but most of the time it’s all covered in one policy.