Education and Child Matters

Spending Family Time Together



Spending family time together essentially means that members of a family (children and adults) spend quality time together in each other’s company.

Spending family time together can be fun, enjoyable and bring a sense of closeness to a family improving the well-being of all individual members.

The benefits and value of spending family time together is greatly underestimated.


Spending family time together is beneficial for the following reasons:

  1. Provides comfort to all members of the family.
  2. Family bonding occurs.
  3. Stronger emotional ties between family members 
  4. Builds strong relationships between family members
  5. Time out from daily work schedules and chores
  6. Creates confidence within all family members
  7. Improves communication between family members
  8. Can reduce bad behaviour issues 
  9. Creates long lasting warm memories
  10. Creates family traditions 
  11. Builds respect between family members
  12. Builds trust and understanding between all members
  13. Reduces stress and anxiety
  14. Creates a warm loving and stable home environment.
  15. Creates a sense of belonging
  16. Reinforces the importance of family
  17. Provides security


The following constitutes spending family time together:

  1. Eating together.
  2. Playing board games together.
  3. Cooking together.
  4. Watching television together.
  5. Gardening together.
  6. Holidaying together.
  7. Going to day trips.
  8. Playing sports together.
  9. Going on walks together.


Here at our I AM L.I.P offices we asked everyone for their tips on spending quality family time together. Below are the replies:

  1. Make dinner time a family affair and try and make it the same time everyday so everyone can be there.
  2. Make it a rule that during family time (especially dinner time) no one is allowed to attend to their mobile phones and other electronic gadgets unless for emergency purposes.
  3. Do household chores together. During this time all of you can chat, confide in each other and unload.
  4. Schedule family time routinely.
  5. Encourage each other to speak and unload during family time. Comfort each other and be there for each other. 
  6. Homework can be family time also. Sit with your child and help them, get involved and bond with them.
  7. If it is summertime, the family can go for long walks together.
  8. Have a family WhatsApp group where you all communicate with each other. Send jokes, loving messages and family information to everyone at the same time. 
  9. Once a month plan a trip for the whole family. 
  10. Bake a cake or biscuits together.
  11. Create family traditions where everyone participates. Do these family traditions every year. Set up the Christmas tree together or do an Easter egg hunt. Another family tradition is eating Sunday roast together,
  12. If possible everyone can start the morning by eating breakfast together.